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Why to get verified

Pirsik is a marketplace to connect tourists directly with local service providers (including tour guides and travel agencies). Same as so many other marketplaces, we have to verify our users esp. our service providers. We defined ID Verification process to ensure only trusted local guides and agencies will promote through our platform.

Who are our customers?

Our customers are tourists from around the world who aim to travel internationally. Most of our customers are living in Europe. Making trust is the first step to attract such customers and providing well-designed experience and product is the second.

How ID Verification works?

ID verification is a well-defined process that enables guides and agencies build trust with the customer. If you want to promoted as a trusted tourist guide to our customer, you have to verify your ID. To verify your ID:

If you are a local tour guide, in this process you verify your first name and last name as a real person by uploading a readable photo of your passport. You can also provide your tourist guide certification (optional) issued by ministry of tourism to let tourists know you are a legal person to offer tours. All your documents are safe and will not be shown publicly. After verifying your ID, we will remove all documents from our website.

If you are a travel agency, you need to upload your company certification and company’s owner passport. After verifying, all your document will be removed from our website.

It takes less than 3 working days. We’re working hard to make the process easier and faster for our service providers in near future.

IS ID Verification free for all service providers?

No, ID Verification process is not free and are offered through 3-month, 6-month and 1-year packages. You have to buy one of the plans to get verified.

Under some circumstances, we offer ID Verification for free.

What will happen after getting verified?

After we receive your ID Verification request and your documents, we will verify you and you will be promoted by us not only in our website but through our social networks as a trusted local guide or travel agency. Your tours will have shown on our homepage (randomly), on top of city tour pages (depend on how many tours you add) and guides will be promoted on city guides lists for different cities.

Who are recommended to verify their ID?

All service providers, include local tourist guides and travel agencies are recommended to verify their ID. It lets us to promote them on our platform as trusted service providers and lets tourists to choose them without any worries.

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